Learning by Doing with Real ROI
Drive hands-on education of customers, partners, and employees with instructor-led or self-paced training in Instruqt.
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Loved by leading technology companies
How it works
Product Training Doesn't Have to be Boring
The best way to learn a new application is hands-on.  Instruqt’s sandbox environments provide an easy and accessible introduction to a new application. Your users can easily build it, and break it, in a controlled environment. And receive hints if they are stuck.

Help users learn how to use your application in their real-world context. Spin up a ready-to-use environment preloaded with all the tools and instructions to run a tutorial. Users can practice anytime, anywhere from their browser.

Whether it’s self-paced learning or instructor-led training, you can easily create content in Instruqt. Leave the complexity of setting up and tearing down technical environments to us. Instead, you can focus on creating the best product experience.

Training teams are frequently challenged by measuring the ROI of their activities. Webhooks and integrations connect your content in Instruqt with your LMS and CRM. Measure the impact of your training on improved product usage, customer value, and ultimately renewals and revenue.

Discover how Puppet created product champions by enhancing and scaling their learning content with self-paced Puppet Practice Labs powered by Instruqt.