Turn Prospects into Champions with Interactive Demos  

Work smarter, not harder, and improve your team's efficiency with immersive, hands-on demos and POCs.

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Loved by leading technology companies

How it works

With a few clicks of your mouse, you can easily connect your product to the Instruqt platform.
Create a compelling demo with storytelling and show a real installation. Customize by injecting the right data and context.
Help champions evaluate and sell internally with shareable demos using an invitation link or embed on your website.

It's Not You; It's Your Demos

Save time
With Instruqt's intuitive UI, anyone can quickly and easily spin up personalized demos.
Extend impact
Demos in Instruqt work just as hard after the meeting as they do during it with sharability and self-paced controls.
Accelerate value
Shorten sales cycles by speeding up your prospects' time-to-value and winning over decision-makers faster. 
Quickly Spin-Up Demo Environments

Stand up your tech and get ready to go in minutes. Adding new features is as simple as copy and pasting. With Instruqt, you can show up to your meetings and be demo ready every time.

Embed Your Content Anywhere, Anytime

Reach a wider audience and create an always-on demand engine. Embed your demos and training with an easy-to-use embed code.

Sharing Made Easy

Easily share content with external users by generating access links. These links enable your demo to be easily left behind and shared with stakeholders in your prospect’s organization.

Browser-based Environments

No time-consuming setup, no tech-heavy configurations, and no downloads. Your users only need a browser to gain access to your product.

Kaspar Von Grünberg
Founder and CEO

Uncover how Kaspar Von Grünberg, CEO & Co-founder at Humanitec, shortened the sales cycle by 40% through proofs of value (POVs) built with preconfigured environments powered by Instruqt.

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