
Instructor-led Training (ILT)

Instructor-led training (ILT) is a traditional form of training where an instructor or trainer leads a group of learners in a classroom setting. ILT can occur in-person or virtually, providing structured guidance, real-time interaction, and direct feedback.


Instructor-led training (ILT) is a traditional method of training where an instructor or facilitator leads a classroom or virtual session. It remains popular for delivering structured, comprehensive content and allows real-time interaction between learners and the instructor. ILT is particularly useful for complex topics that benefit from direct instruction and immediate feedback.

Instruqt enhances ILT by integrating real-world, hands-on labs into the training process. Instructors can guide learners through technical exercises in sandbox environments, making the training more interactive and impactful. The platform also allows for tracking progress and providing immediate feedback during live sessions.

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