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Isovalent Accelerates the Sales Cycle with Instruqt’s Hands-on Labs

Learn how Roland Wolters, Head of Technical Marketing at Isovalent, uses Instruqt’s hands-on labs to reduce friction in the sales process and accelerate enterprise customers’ decision-making.

Customer Overview

Isovalent (acquired by Cisco in December 2023) was founded by the creators of Cilium and eBPF. The company builds open-source software and enterprise solutions to solve the networking, security, and observability needs of modern cloud-native infrastructure. 

The company, which is headquartered in Mountain View, California, was backed by Andreessen Horowitz, Google, and Cisco Investments before the acquisition. It is the choice of leading global organizations, including Adobe, AWS, Capital One, Datadog, GitLab, and Google.


Isovalent searched for a more effective way to reach and educate a technical buyer audience about their technology offering. Other solutions, including a homegrown tool, created more work for the team and often created clunky end-user experiences because of limited features, complex setups, and labor-intensive maintenance — leaving much to be desired.


The Isovalent team adopted Instruqt to transform its product education to build brand awareness, generate enterprise demand, and improve the onboarding experience for new customers. Instruqt helps Isovalent deliver:

  • A hands-on experience - Instruqt’s flexible, immersive lab experience allows prospects and customers to quickly get their hands dirty with actual environments to increase product knowledge and engagement. 
  • A ready-to-use platform - Isovalent saved time by leveraging Instruqt's intuitive web interface and unrivaled support team to easily set up new environments, creating a frictionless experience for prospects and customers to understand the product's value proposition quickly.
  • Role-based learning journeys - Additionally, the team created learning tracks custom-tailored to various roles like platform engineers, cloud network engineers, and cloud architects. 


Instruqt is essential to our marketing and pre-sales activities. It provides the best way to show the value of our deeply technical product to our customers and prospects in a hands-on, interactive way.”  — Roland Wolters, Head of Technical Marketing at Isovalent

With Instruqt, Isovalent achieved more effective go-to-market execution across all stages:

  • Generating enterprise demand - The team reduced friction in the sales cycle and accelerated enterprise customers’ decision-making with engaging hands-on labs that showcase product features.
  • A ready-to-use platform - Isovalent saved time by leveraging Instruqt's intuitive web interface and unrivaled support team to easily set up new environments, creating a frictionless experience for prospects and customers to understand the product's value proposition quickly.
  • Faster team onboarding - Having new customers complete hands-on learning during onboarding helps accelerate their ability to contribute sooner and more effectively.

Check out Isovalent’s Labs Resource Library here.

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